Monthly Meeting - December 2020

    Note: We will again meet online only (via Zoom) due to coronavirus protective measures.

    You are cordially invited to FVEAA's (Fox Valley Electric Auto Association) virtual online meeting.  We have some great presentations planned. Come join us (via the Zoom platform) from the comfort of your own space. Please contact us if you have any questions or want assistance in setting up your computer or phone to access the meeting.

    Topic: FVEAA Monthly Meeting
    When: Friday December 11, 2020 - 7:00pm (Central) (NOTE: This is our holiday party and is one week earlier than normal)
    Meeting will run from 7-9pm. The room will be open starting at 6:45pm to welcome people and help get the zoom technology setup for EVeryone.

    Join the Zoom Meeting (via computer or phone app):

    Zoom Link

    Join via Telephone (audio only):

    Dial 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
    Enter Meeting ID: 95901481473#
    Participant ID: (none, just #)

    Use *6 to unmute/mute, *9 to raise your virtual hande


    • Holiday Party - More details coming soon.

    © 2024 Fox Valley Electric Auto Association