Author Topic: Still can't login without tricking the system.  (Read 7172 times)


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Still can't login without tricking the system.
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:51:07 AM »
I am still unable to login, to view members lists,  to see if members are current, or virtually anything for members, without tricking the system.  My login still doesn't work, and I have reported this over a dozen times to Ted.  I am concerned that if the President can't get on normally, the members will have similar difficulties.  And those who do not know how to trick the system will simply give up. Here is what I get when I try to logon:

I don't know what is causing this, I suspect something in my sign in.  This happens no matter if I use:

Windows XP
Windows 7 Ultimate
Ubuntu 10.10
Ubunty 10.04
Fedora 13
even my phone with Android 2.1 on a Samsung Epic.

It happens whether I use:
Firefox as a browser, or
Google Chrome
Opera 10
even Epiphany.

So, it is independent of OS and independent of browser.  The above screen was Google Chrome in Ubuntu 10.10, but I can give you a screen shot of all the others except the cell phone.

What is exceptionally frustrating is that sometimes the tricks work, sometimes they don't. And the cell phone browser never works.

Will someone please explain!!
Rich Carroll