Author Topic: EV tax write off (edited)  (Read 2159 times)


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EV tax write off (edited)
« on: October 16, 2010, 12:47:57 PM »
Willowcreek CARS ministry just informed me that they will be selling my car EV 1994 Ford Escort.  If you want to buy the car from Willowcreek you will be able to take a  tax write off because you are purchasing it from a church ministry.  You can also consider it part of your tithe (10% to charity) since the ministry benefits families in need of transportation.  Again it is fully functional, and I would be willing to help you with any questions you have.  708-236-0272    SORRY for the editing, I think faster than I type, and then I forget to proof read.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 10:09:43 PM by tim.moore »