This is an ugly topic backed mainly by conspiracy theorists.
Case in point, look at the rest of the videos the guy has posted on Youtube. He talks about beating traffic tickets and the War on Drugs. This can give you a good idea of where his head is at, in the clouds. I'd like to ask him who are these people giving you $4.45 cents for scratched up, circulated 1947 quarters. I don't have current coin price guide near me as I stopped collecting coins years ago, but nobody is going to give you $4.45 cents for a post WW2 quarter containing 25% silver.
This genius doesn't even realize the work involved to extract that .25 oz of silver from the quarter, you'd have to smelt it down, separate/extract and purify the silver. Unless you have a bunch of these quarters, the time, knowledge and equipment to do it, his entire argument, as weak as it is, becomes moot.
These types of people generally do not have any grasp of global economics and how things really work in this world. Of course, there are always two polarities to any political issue like this and based on the reading I have done, I side with the Peak Oil Phenomena & the Law of Supply and Demand and there is no point in me debating this with anybody. You're best off to study such things on your own and form your own conclusions.
And yes I've seen the Money Masters videos, all the pathetic Alex Jones rants against the Federal Reserve being illegal and am actually currently reading John Perkins Book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", which if true, is even more frightening than anything I've studied to date.
But as I understand money, money is worth what people "perceive" it to be worth. These things constantly cycle back and forth and these conspiracy goofs have been saying the sky is falling for decades now and the world is still going strong. Best to stay positive and be ahead or a part of the technological curve which as electric car enthusiasts we are doing just that.