Author Topic: Great source of performance testing statistics!  (Read 11687 times)


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Great source of performance testing statistics!
« on: April 09, 2008, 06:42:12 PM »
Ken Simmermon posted this on [members] yesterday:

Ken Simmermon
2000 NiMH Ranger


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Re: Great source of performance testing statistics!
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 06:44:59 PM »
Reply from Rick Mouche' from [members]:


I took a look at one of these "performance statistics sheets" on the 1999 Ford Ranger, and there is a lot of good information.  I guess my question is, how do I make these measurements on my car (1982 Bradely GT II) and see how it compares to some of the other cars in this batch.   

This may make for a good presentation at a meeting, with a practical handout on how to make (and calculate) all of these measurements.  I know I have been trying to do this and understand some of the terms.  How do I determine how much energy my car uses per mile?  How does this compare with the norm.  Why does my car only go about 20 miles max on 16 - 6 volt batteries (are the batteries weak and how do I determine if they are weak and need to be replaced).  How do I determine how efficient my charger is?   

It just looks like there is a whole bunch of good information here that I would like to understand better and relate it to my car.   

Let me know what you think, and if you got this message.  I know my "out of office" message kinda spamed the web site.   

Rick Mouche'
Sr. Technical Manager
Technical Resource Center
Nalco Company

"People You Trust, Delivering Results"


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Re: Great source of performance testing statistics!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 06:45:35 PM »
Reply from Bob Fox from [members]:

some great info there Ken.   I especially liked the EV1 statistics,  220 miles on NIMH, 135 miles on lead acids, and quick too!    I'm not quite sure how they achieved those results with 26-12v  53 AH batts.  Good reading tho, we were almost there weren't we?


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Re: Great source of performance testing statistics!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2008, 02:12:30 AM »
Hi Rick, First of all I would like to thank the gang on the Ranger EV listserve for that website, THANKS. I'll try to answer your questions. You need to measure the Killowatts going into your charger and you can divide that by the miles driven. This will give you KW per mile, there will be some loss from the charger if you could measure the KW's coming out of your charger at the same time you could calculate the loss. Your range will be effected by wieght of the vehicle, rolling and wind resistance, KW capacity of your battery pack, and also the efficiency of the motor, controler (the higher the voltage the better) and drivetrain. To measure the battery capacity, you must have a known load and discharge for a set time. There are exact details on the web I'm sure. If your going to be in the office, ha ha. There are E=meters that will measure a lot of this info why you drive and recharge, but do the research before you buy!!!
Ken Simmermon