Interesting discussion! Let's compare lead acid vs TS Li using my S10 as an example.
i have 20 * Trojan T-125 6v batteries = 120v nominal. From the trojan spec sheet: T-125 has a 20hr rating of 240ah and 132 minutes at 75a.
From their spec sheet, i don't understand how TS rates their 90ah battery:, what is 0.3CA or 3CA ? Is that the nominal steady state discharge current (for the 90ah rating)? How does it compare to the T-125?
i suspect to build a pack with the same range as my S10's T-125 pack out of the 90ah TS, i would need about 2.5 strings of 40 cells. (240 / 90 with a discount for the TS's lighter weight). It would certainly be lighter and smaller, but would cost about $17.8k. Definitely cheaper then the $30k i calculated last time i ran the numbers.
Now let's look at the lifetime issue as it relates to cost over time. The number of cycles (to 75% dod) is generally quoted around 350 for the T-125 but > 2500 for the TS. So assuming the TS lasts that long (could be risky based on what i've heard), the TS pack would last about 7 times longer than the T-125's. Say the T-125 pack costs $2000 and 7 such packs would cost $14k.
The TS costs are just for the batteries; there will be a substantial cost for BMS and charger.
So the TS's are lighter, smaller, but more expensive per mile with a higher risk of premature failure with significantly more complex electronics/connections/etc.
Someone please check/challenge my understandings/calculations/etc.!!!
If the above is roughly correct, then i'm still not getting my pack of Li bats for Christmas this year