As alluded to in my last post, we now have a project management system (OnTrack) for our project, generously donated by Lextech Global Services, my employer. It can be reached at:
http://fveaa-ontrack.lextech.comIf you are interested in participating in the project (and especially in the project planning), you'll need a username and password to this system. Contact me and I'll set you up. Below are some instructions on what you can expect once you do use the system.
Clicking on the link above should take you to a login page, where you will enter the user and password that you were assigned. Please note that the system does not work well in Internet Explorer (IE), so you'll have to use Firefox. To download firefox, go to and follow the instructions. Once it is installed, I recommend making it your default web browser since it is more secure than IE but that's a personal choice. If there are sites that you use that require IE, feel free to contact me and I can show you how to install a plugin called IE Tab that lets you use IE inside of firefox.
Once you're logged into OnTrack, you'll want to click on the Projects button at the top and on the Genset project link to view the project tasks. This is where we will be adding and modifying the project plan. I will try to see if we have some user documentation for OnTrack. I'm pretty sure we haven't yet documented all of the newest Web 2.0 features (such as dragging tasks to reorder or change child-parent task relationships, right-clicking on a task to get a menu of options, and double-clicking a task to edit the task name). In the meanwhile, feel free to call me to ask about how to use it.
At this time, I have not really put any security controls other than the initial login on the project. Everyone can edit, update, or delete any task. This means we need to be careful and polite about what we do to the project plan. For now, please let me know before you move things around that are already in the project. Feel free to add things in wherever you think it's appropriate, but let's email each other a summary of our recent changes so that we can all stay abreast of the changes being made and we can discuss anything that would constitute a major change in the plan. Eventually, we'll have to assign one or more project managers who will make changes to the project while others just log updates and time worked.
I'm really looking forward to getting this project kicked into high gear and working with you guys.
Matt Kenigson
Manager of Systems Engineering
Lextech Global Services Corporation
V. 630.420.9670 x105 C. 630.390.0767
V. 888.677.5250 x105 F. 630.839.0123
http://www.lextech.comConnecting the unconnectable...