Wow Rich! I was just sharing the sad story with someone on Facebook today. "Our charging infrastructure" got caught up in some shady business. At least there is some attempt at justice going on.
For a little background on the issue... approx. 5 years ago the City of Chicago received a near $3 million grant to build an EV charging infrastructure. Rich Carroll, myself and another FVEAAer were asked along with a couple dozen industry and government people to advise the then Major Daley on the right approach to take. This advisory council met a number of times in that year and we were quite close to making a solid recommendation, which included a good mixture of level 2 and level 3 chargers. But then we heard nothing. No new meetings, etc. Shortly thereafter, we heard that 350Green had been exclusively awarded this big contract. Seemed a bit shady at the time, now the truth is known. Sad but true.