Author Topic: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation  (Read 13671 times)


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Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« on: October 16, 2007, 04:15:46 PM »
Hi Allan,
Good to hear from you!  Yes, we have the AVCON station in stock ready to be distributed.  I’ll order a sign right away.
Best regards,
Todd Martin
VP, FVEAA & Charging Coordinator Chair.
224-433-1591 (Home)
847-358-5800 ext. 208 (Work)


From: Allan Lindrup []
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:03 AM
To: Todd D. Martin
Subject: Electric vehicle rapid recharging station
    It appears that, by the end of today (or certainly sometime this week) Beverly Unitarian Church's Green Sancturary Group will finish collecting the $1,600 needed to 1) install the electric vehicle rapid recharging station, and 2) pay for the designated parking spot for the balance of the church year (Nov. through June).  We secured our installation bid last spring, but chose to wait until Sept. to make our funds appeal, to not conflict with the special collection we had in June to continue our wind energy subsidy.  I am writing at this time to get confirmation that the Fox Valley Electric Automobile Association is still willing to give us the rapid rechaging station, and associated sign, without cost.  If so, I anticipate that we will be seeking to rent the appropriate space starting Nov. 1 and arrange for installation during the first half of November.  We would want to receive the rapid recharging station and sign by then.
         Allan Lindrup, Chair, Beverly Unitarian Church, Green Sanctuary Group

Church Location & Contact Information:

Beverly Unitarian Church   
The Castle on the Hill     
10244 S. Longwood Dr.   
Chicago, IL 60643   
Ph: 773-233-7080   
Fax: 773-233-0534


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 09:07:27 PM »
Hi Todd,

We received their signed agreement letter back in the PO Box.  Please read it for the notes they made on it.  THANKS!

Kind regards,


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January 13, 2008 Update Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 07:04:32 PM »
On Sunday, January 13th,

I visited the Beverly Unitarian Church to bring them an "EV Only" sign and test their new AVCON charging station.  It was a family trip with Saturn Vue towing the Solectria just over 50 miles each way on a tow dolly.  Previously, a 4" diameter x 7' long galvanized steelpole was delivered to the church (which was kindly donated by Wayne McGuire, THANKS WAYNE!!). 

I am happy to report the sign is now installed and the test was successful.  Allan Lindrup, their Green Santuary chair, got his first ride & drive in an EV.  The church will now pay the electrician who did the installation and has tentatively scheduled their ribbon cutting ceremony for February 10th.

Please let me know if anyone can make it on Feb. 10th for the ceremony!

Best regards,
Todd Martin


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 07:16:46 PM »
Excellent news Todd, GREAT WORK!

Count me in for Feb. 10th.

Are you (or B.U.C.) arranging for any press coverage for the ceremony ?  Seems like we have a good story here and the time to contact some TV stations and/or newspapers to see if they want to cover it.


Kind regards,


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2008, 01:01:52 AM »
Yes, the BUC will be making press contacts to drum up media coverage.  I'll pass along any news they share as it develops.

Best regards,

Todd Martin


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2008, 01:08:56 AM »
Great!  If we can coordinate with the BUC, perhaps we can invite the WGN team that did the Red Ranger maiden voyage in Spring 2007.  i plan to contact WGN in a couple of weeks about the Porsche 944 as well.


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Press Release for Beverly UU Church Installation / Lt. Governor
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2008, 01:50:04 PM »
Here is the press conference announcement.  If any members can attend, please let us know.  So far, Ted and I are the only one's committed to attending.


Todd Martin

    Attached, and pasted below, is a copy of our press conference announcement.  The event has gotten a boost from the Lt. Governor's agreement to participate.  You (or whoever will speak on behalf of the electric automobile association) should, in addition to having an electric automobile there by 10:30 a.m. and charging before we begin the press conference, be prepared to speak for 5 minutes during the 20 minutes devoted to speakers, plus be prepared for questions during the 10 minute Q and A time.  Major points to cover should include how the electric automobile association will be working to spread the network of rapid recharging stations during the weeks and months to follow (for example will you be approaching 20 congregations or other non-profits in each sector, in the hopes that one will agree to install a rapid recharging station?), how a fully developed network will make the spread of electric vehicles in the Chicago area more feasible, who are the current main electric vehicle manufacturers, plus sharing technical issues that the press are likely to find of interest.
   Since the electric vehicle association you belong to serves either all of northern Illinois or all of northeastern Illinois, I strongly suggest your association revise its name to fit the full geographic area it serves.  Your group's current name is likely to adversely affect your acceptance by some of the Chicago media and Cook County non-profits you are trying to outreach to.
   I am renting a podium with battery operated speakers and microphone to facilitate this outdoor event.  If you will not be the electric automobile association's representative on Feb. 9, I need to have the representative's name and complete contact information a few days before Feb. 9, as that information will need to be included in the press kits I will be preparing.
Media Alert
Press Conference Announcement
To: Todd Martin, for the Fox Valley Electric Automobile Association
From: Allan J Lindrup, Chair, Green Sanctuary Group, Beverly Unitarian Church,, 773-643-8061
Date: January 29, 2008
Subject: Dedication of new electric vehicle rapid recharging station initiates new Chicago area network
Who: Green Sanctuary Group and the Electric Automobile Association
What: Press Conference on new electric vehicle rapid recharging stations
When: Saturday, February 9, 2008, 11:00 a.m.
Where: Parking lot on the west side of the Beverly Unitarian Church (the Castle), 10244 S. Longwood Dr., Chicago
Members of the Press are invited to attend this press conference on Saturday, February 9, 2008, at 11 a.m., in the parking lot of the Beverly Unitarian Church, 10244 S. Longwood Dr., Chicago. Press kits will be distributed and the duration of the briefing will be 30 minutes, including question and answer time at the conclusion of the presentation. Here is what you will see and hear about:
An electric automobile will be recharging at the new rapid recharging station, an attractive visual image.
Hear how inexpensive it is to recharge an all electric vehicle, or hybrid with plug-in capacity, so inexpensive that these "refills" are free, as a community service, part of the church’s ministry for Earth. Compare that with high gas prices.
Learn how this is the start of the local electric automobile association’s efforts to establish a network of rapid recharging stations around the Chicago area, to encourage and facilitate the use of electric vehicles in the Chicago area. This will help our nation’s struggle for energy independence, help reduce air pollution, and help in the effort to combat global warming.
Hear from Lt. Governor Patrick Quinn how this effort fits into Illinois’ efforts to encourage the use of alternative energy vehicles.
For more information, contact: Allan J. Lindrup, Chair, Green Sanctuary Group, Beverly Unitarian Church. Tel. 773-643-8061, E-mail:


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2008, 06:07:04 PM »
Complete awesome Todd!  Let me know if i can do something to help prior to or the day of (beside being part of q&q)!

FVEAAers: let's turnout en masse!!  This looks to be one of the biggest PR EVents in our history!!

i will include their PR in a front page article on the website!


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 06:54:38 PM »

Will you be able to charge your truck with the Avcon charger?  If this shows up on the news as being difficult to plug in or figure out, it could backfire as a "publicity stunt".  Will someone with an Avcon receptacle on their EV be present?



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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2008, 03:57:30 PM »
Thanks for checking our backs Terry.  Todd Martin will be charging using the AVCON for the official PR event.  i may later (after all the media and politicos are gone) try the AVCON-to-220V converter that Ken Simmermon is building as we speak.

i plan to op-charge at Eric's (with his perrmission) enroute to and enroute from to boost my range.  i'll also be heating up my bats ahead of time since this is about an 80 mile round trip in Feb!


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2008, 03:00:12 AM »
How did it go today?


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2008, 03:53:36 PM »
It went great!  Lt. Governor Quinn gave a impassioned speech about our right and duty to have a clean environment and how electric vehicles are a part of this!

Keep an eye on the local channels Wgn, Fox, CLTV, Univision and i think NBC.  i don't know when (or even if) they will broadcast anything, but they were there with their cameras as well as a number of newspaper.

MEGA thanks go out to Todd Martin for spearheading this project which has lead to this great outcome!  THANKS TODD!!!


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church, Chicago Installation
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2008, 08:59:13 PM »
i called the Beverly Review today and asked for and gained permission to reprint their article on the dedication and to post it on our website.  Allan sent Todd (via our PO Box which i intercepted)  the actual newspaper clipping of the article which i will scan and post on the website front page and post to these forums sometime this weekend.  If that wasn't the most ungrammatically correct statement ever, stay tuned :-)