Author Topic: Milwaukee Electric Car Build  (Read 50612 times)


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Milwaukee Electric Car Build Sunday December 6th
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2009, 04:02:30 AM »

Tim's motor came out and he is getting ready for the new electric motor.  Thanks to all who helped out.

Neon:  The Neon got a new door prop and a door that wouldn't open!  Later I dismantled the door and put it all back together so it works right.  I also figured I had done the best in tuning it for economy and started tuning for performance.  Last week I took it on the freeway for the first time - 65mph was attainable - acceleration is a little slow above 40mph but its deffinately freeway ready.  Now that I have an idea of range I'm going to use a different approach to charging - recharge every day rather than run the pack all the way down.  This should extend the life of the pack and reduce the potential of getting stranded.


Its that time of year again, when a young mans fancy turns to thoughts of warmth.  Brian wants to work on a heater for his S10 and me on the Neon.

Chris hopes to get his motor cycle drivable.

Swee wants to work on mounting solar panels to his trike.

Anyone else want to bring anything?

Meeting Info:

6630 W. Coldspring Rd.
Greenfield WI  53220
(414) 541-1716

When:   SUnday December 6th, 10am till mid afternoon.
