I finally decided to purchase a 1990 Ford Ranger for my first electric conversion. I'm neither a car mechanic or electrician, but I am determined to get this project done.
I've removed the engine and related engine related parts, muffler and pipes, gas tank and bed.
The EV kit I purchased is from EV America, which includes a clutch adaptor/electric motor coupler. I'm happy to report the clutch adapter finally arrived yesterday. Now I have all the parts except the batteries.
The electric control board was assembled and wired last week. I have to say it was alot more fun than pulling all the old dirty parts.
My plan is the remove the transmission and attach to coupler and electric motor this week. I'll be working on the truck this Friday morning starting at 10am in unincorp. Hinsdale (timberlake). Please feel free to come by a take a look at my project or lend a hand. I'll email my address to those interested.
I've purhcased a small arc welder but still need a teacher. Please contact me if you are willing to help or teach me how to weld.
Photos to come later.
Thanks, Bob
P.S. Hopefully it will be Lithum Ion next year.