Author Topic: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions  (Read 39095 times)


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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2008, 02:03:53 PM »
I think that we're up to session #10 for the Electric Bug conversion!

Come on out to see how a conversion to 100% electric is done!

This Saturday (tomorrow), 7/26/08.  We'll start at about 9-9:30am, and go until early afternoon.

This week we will continue with the High Voltage wiring - it is about 2/3 complete, and we need to drill some 1" holes in the battery boxes for the 2/0 cable.  The cable will also go into a protective plastic hose underneath the car.

Come on out and have some fun learning.  It will be nice to see some familiar faces again! (you know who you are!)

We will provide orange juice.

2823 S. Highland Ave, Berwyn, IL




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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2008, 12:11:29 AM »
This Saturday will be session #11.  That's 8/2/08, and we will start around 9am.

2823 S. Highland Ave., in Berwyn.  Come on out to see how a conversion is done.

We're about 2/3 of the way to the finish line - and going strong!

Thanks to Matt for helping me out last weekend.

This Saturday we will be finishing up all the HV cabling in the motor compartment, and perhaps start on all the LV wiring.  So, we'll be doing some cable cutting, crimping, and insulation with heat-shrink.  Ken will be testing the simple charger that he will bring to make sure the batteries can take a charge.

Call 708-307-1399 if you have questions.


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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2008, 04:07:10 PM »
Todd - did you guys get to do the charger test yesterday or did we need to do more HV wiring? 

I've had a blast on the four occasions I've worked on this conversion.  Everyone should come.  Todd has the car set up nicely in a spacious garage and there are LOTS of great lessons learned even if you've done another conversion.  Each one is a little different and no two people have the same challenges. 

Also, if anyone has a wiring snake they can bring that might help with pulling the LV wiring through the conduit we've rigged up that would be really helpful. 

Finally - I haven't looked up the stats yet but after talking to some of the guys here at work, I'm thinking that our best route for the BMS LV wiring (16 pairs - 32 total wires @ up to 1A each) may be to split current across multiple wires and use standard telco 50-wire bundles.  If we use two bundles, we can use thee wires per pole, or up to 1/3 A per wire.  If we can squeeze three bundles through, we could make that four per pole, making it up to 1/4 A per wire.  Does that sound feasible to you guys?  Does anyone know a better way?



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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2008, 01:30:42 AM »

I very much appreciate your help and the advertisement - but seriously, the sessions are always informative and a lot of fun.

There still is some HV wiring up front to be done and Ken is coming tomorrow with the charger to test.  However, I have installed the main disconnect, so we can work on HV up front while still charging - with the main disconnect turned off.

I did get some wire through the flex hose, and I'll tell you how if you show up this weekend.

Also, I just got the springs today - hopefully they will fit!  Things are really coming together...


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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2008, 03:11:57 PM »
Sorry I couldn't make it -- I was busy at iPhoneDevCamp this weekend.  How did it go?



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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2008, 06:10:15 AM »
Looks like we're up to Session #12 this Saturday.  Come on down to 2823 S. Highland in Berwyn, IL to see how an EV is converted!

Last Saturday was the most productive EVer.  We got Ken's charger hooked up and running, the HV system finished, and started the LV.

Sadly, the coil springs are too big and don't fit, so I sent them back to re-do.

In the meantime, this weekend we will be installing some air bags for the rear coil springs and hopefully they will fit and we will inflate them.  Supposedly these can take the extra weight.

Also, I'll need some help sealing a leak in the high pressure line for the power steering and then filling the resovoir.

Finally, we can continue to do the LV wiring.  I've completed the wiring for the ignition key activation, the 12V terminal strip, the brake pump, and the power steering pump.  Next comes wiring the water pump for the controller, filling the water/antifreeze, wiring the controller, and finally the DC-DC converter.  With a productive session we may be able to get much of this done.

The batteries are about 95% fully charged and I replaced the warped rotor this week.  So, things are looking good!

Come on out and be part of the fun!   708-307-1399


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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2008, 03:55:46 AM »

Have you figured out how to get your tachometer to show correct rpm?
It looks like Zilla can be set to give you either standard 4 cylinder or 6 cylinder tack signal.



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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2008, 02:34:14 PM »
Miodrag -

No, I haven't started on that one yet.  This might come up in the next 1-2 weeks.  I might call you for some advice.



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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2008, 05:46:08 AM »
This Saturday is session #13 - it will be a lucky 13!

The low voltage wiring is near completed.  The PackTracker, Controller w/pot box, and analog meters need to be wired up.  Also, if we could get some of those obnoxious alarms to shut off I would be really pleased.  All of this should be able to be completed in 1 good day's work with a little help from friends.

Thanks to Larry, Lynn, and Wayne for showing up last week.  We installed the original springs back in the car with the AirLift balloons, and they seem to be working great.  With the car lowered to the ground there is definitely room to bounce on the springs!  One issue is that the middle battery boxes hang 5" off the ground, which is 1" lower than I would like.  I may have to deal with that one later.

We also finished the HV wiring and fixed all the leaks in the water pump system and power steering.

Come on out this Saturday, 8/16/08, starting at about 9am.  I'll be there until about 5pm.  Anyone who is around for lunch - I'll buy some sandwhiches.

It's always a good time and we may just get Electric Bug on the road!

2823 S. Highland Ave., Berwyn


See you there!

-Todd Dore


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Re: Electric Bug Conversion - Saturday Morning Working/Learning Sessions
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2008, 03:13:51 AM »
Good news - Electric Bug is on the road!!!!

Today we fixed most of the electrical problems (a special thanks to Ken - he did all the diagnosis and prognosis on this baby), and took the car around the block.

Thanks to Ken and Larry Houle - we put in a long day today (I took the day off work).

Next Saturday, 8/23/08, will be session #14.  There are some more things we need to do, such as finishing the outside plug (Larry is doing this), installing the back seat, and making a cover for the back battery box.

We could also do some wiring harness fixes, and test the wires to the instrument panel to cut off the warning lights and bells.  Getting the tach to work would be nice as well.

Finally, a change of the M/T gear oil fluid would be proper.

Come on by to see all the fun!  2823 S. Highland Ave., Berwyn, IL.  708-307-1399 (Todd).

This will be the last session for about 1 month, as I will be getting an operation next week and need to recover during Sept.

Hope to see you there...