Author Topic: Ford Ranger Motor selection  (Read 10425 times)


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Ford Ranger Motor selection
« on: June 26, 2008, 11:32:58 AM »
I have been told by the company that makes the WarP 9 motor that the Ford Ranger is too heavy to use with even the WarP 11 Motor. Anyone know what can be used with this pickup that is 4000# with the IC engine in it? I would like to get started with this project but want to make the right selection of motor. Thanks for any Help Bob Frederick


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Re: Ford Ranger Motor selection
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2008, 11:38:29 PM »
I looked at several years of Ford Rangers, and the curb weights of factory delivered trucks are much closer to 3200 lbs.  Unless there is something unusual about your truck, 4000 lbs seems quite heavy.  We have seen several Rangers converted with WarP 9 and WarP 11 motors.  Can you tell me which person told you a WarP 11 would not be big enough for this truck?  Was this at NetGain Technologies?   I would like to correct this. 

Rich Carroll
Rich Carroll                 


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Re: Ford Ranger Motor selection
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2008, 12:32:48 AM »
I also would like to know who told you that the WarP 9 and 11 were not big enough for a Ford Ranger.  Having done several, I can tell you the 9 inch motor works quite well as long as you use the transmission.  What did you specifically say you wanted to do with it ?   Direct drive ?  If that's the case, then a single 9 or 11 inch motor will not work.  You need two motors connected end to end and switched electrically from series to parallel.  With this combination, you would also need a very stout controller, such as a Zilla 2K and a pretty hefty battery pack. $$$

John   your local WarP dealer.


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Re: Ford Ranger Motor selection
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2008, 11:35:07 AM »
I would Like to thank Rich Carrol and John Emde for their valuable information. I spoke to Ryan Bohm at via email. and he told me bacicly that the warP 9 would not work on a 4000# vehicle (direct Drive). He did mention doubleing up the motors but like John said it would cost big $$$$$. The 4000# figure I got for my Ranger came from the door info plate. I thought it was kinda hi also, the truck has a short 6' bed. I think i must go with the trans to make it work. Let me ask you gentlemen is the WarP 9 a good choice or can you reccomend another choice of motor and controller? Again thanks fellas....Bob Frederick


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Re: Ford Ranger Motor selection
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2008, 12:29:00 AM »
I would urge you and anyone else considering an EV conversion to plan to simplify the truck and lighten the truck as is reasonably possible.  Take out the parts you will not be using, and I suspect your conversion will be reasonably light.  At that point, the WarP 9 is a great choice for solid, economical operation.  If you plan to haul heavy items, or live in a hilly area, or do some drag racing, think about a WarP 11, although a WarP 9 will certainly work. By no means use the 4000 lb data from the door jamb for a goal.  Likely that has some numbers like GVWR next to it, meaning you should never load the truck past the total weight of 4000 lbs. 

As long as you are using a transmission, I would vote for a WarP 9.  I hope you plan to use a stick, although we had a Ranger in the shop recently with an automatic.  Converting the stick is somewhat easier and less costly.

Rich Carroll.
Rich Carroll