I spoke with Dr. Nowak, the CEO of Micron. He said that while they have focused in the past on Military (with fair success) and are presently targeting the "marine SLI" market, EV's are a viable potential market for their super-caps. Of course, no one expects to get rich off of us "hobbyists" so his interest in helping me was mild. They will certainly sell an individual their products and, if you bought 10 (for 120V, for instance) I'm sure you'd enjoy a discount over the retail price of about $450 each. I can provide Dr. Nowak's contact info if anyone wants to follow up with him on their own.
I will probably be working on a data acquisition project with them in the coming year through my day job. I'm hoping that as I build a good business relationship with them, they'll take more interest in my hobby inquiries...