If you are serious about buying components, watch the EV ads on various places, religiously. I have the EV TRadin Post as my startup screen.
http://tinyurl.com/2nq75gI drop an email to people who post ads and ask what else they have. Within the last four months, I have found two Zilla 1K HV's, a Manzanita PFC-30 charger, a Iota DC/DC converter, Rudman Regs, and lots of items I need to build my Corvair. All very gently used, and most at very significant reductions in price.
My advice:
Daily try the above link, plus:
http://tinyurl.com/yoboh2http://www.oeva.org/forsale/http://www.phoenixeaa.com/http://www.evadc.org/for_sale.html (empty right now)
My browser is set to open up tabs with all those sites (and some others) each time it opens. I review what's there today, and one click closes that tab if I don't want anything. If you hear of someone selling a part, ask what else they intend to sell soon.
A high percentage of what I bought was not advertised, but available if you asked. I also watched eBay regularly. There was a 156 V completely rebuilt great controller that sold for a 30% discount off WHOLESALE last month. It is a great controller, but only one person bid on it. It was new, never used, complete with all paperwork.
EBay lets you save a search and get an email daily of new items. I watch Zilla controllers, or any vehicles with Zilla controllers. There is a lot of stuff with zilla in the name, but eBay lets you create searches like:
zilla -(pixzilla, Truckzilla, Atlantis, music, hawg, e-zilla, Hagen, rug, techzilla, verb, maxxis, dog, quadzilla, Anderson, Traxx) So I can get everything that is Zilla on eBay, but leave out the stuff with Pixzilla, the techzilla stuff, the maxxis stuff, etc.
If you know what you want, set up a search and likely you'll find it. It might take a couple of weeks, but the items are there.