Does anyone have or know of data available regarding the typical current draw of an EV motor through "typical driving scenarios"?
I'd love to see data sets, for instance, that plot current vs time (@ 2 sec. intervals) for:
1) a sample 5 mile trip around town, with several stops (like running errands) </= 35 MPH
2) a sample commute of (say) 15 miles on secondary roads </= 45 MPH
3) a sample commute of 15 miles with 2 miles to the expressway, then 11 miles at highway speeds, then 2 miles to the destination
I'm interested in developing statistics for current like AVERAGE, RMS, MAX at peak acceleration, steady state at various speeds, etc. I am brewing a concept in my head regarding using a lower capacity battery supplemented with Super Caps (like the Micron PowerPaks). I'd love to do some homework on predicting the minimum acceptable battery pack capacity if it's only asked to provide RMS current or below, with the SC's providing the surge demand.