Author Topic: Beverly Unitarian Church needs assistance  (Read 13807 times)


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Beverly Unitarian Church needs assistance
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:47:11 PM »
Todd Dore, would you like to handle this ?

    Some months ago I inquired re your organization's offer to update the electric charging station which we had received from your organization in 2008.  I have not received a response. 
     Recently, our charging box has been malfunctioning; the charging light is lit constantly, and the reset button does not work. 
 We have been informed by the electrical company which installed the box that it is out of date and the persons who installed it are no longer there.
                      Have other boxes experienced this problem and can you help us resolve it?
                                                   Frances Sowa,  Green Sanctuary Group, Beverly Unitarian Church
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: frances sowa <>
To: Todd Martin <>
Cc: Eileen Klees <>; Jean Hardy Robinson <>; Linda Cooper <>
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 12:33 PM
Subject: Anticipated Update of Electric Charging Station at Beverly Unitarian Church
Mr. Martin:  Last November we accepted your kind invitation to update free of charge the Electric Car Charging Station which Green Sanctuary installed at Beverly Unitarian Church in Chicago, some years ago.  At that time, you indicated that the Fox Valley Association w  would schedule our update and notify us.     Has a schedule been set as yet?
                                    Thanks for your consideration.     Fran Sowa, Green Sanctuary Group, Beverly Unitarian Church


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church Charger has been removed.
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2016, 12:18:46 AM »
I had occasion to drive by the Beverly Unitarian Church today (on my way to an Eagle Scout's Court of Honor) and noticed that the charging station we provided them has been removed. A simple short post has replaced the bollard that held \the charging station in the past.  The post has notices, but no evidence at all that a charging station ever existed.  Since the equipment is owned by FVEAA, and the installation owned by the Unitarian Church, should we not get our equipment back if they don't want it?
Rich Carroll                 


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church needs assistance
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2016, 07:53:47 PM »
Thanks for the notice Rich!  i guess i'm at least curious what happened at the church to cause them to remove the charger.  i suspect it hadn't been used but a dozen times since we installed it.  And it wasn't J1772 compatible i believe either?


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Re: Beverly Unitarian Church needs assistance
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2016, 10:02:48 PM »
I don't have any connections at Beverly Unitarian Church, although I do have connections at several of the nearby churches (those that sponsor Boy Scout units all have contacts I could use). 

My brother was married in this church, but that was 46 years ago, and he was killed 38 years ago.  (Still miss him everyday.  In fact, he had quite a beard.  I grew a beard in 1978 to help me remember him every day.)

I am pretty sure this install was prior to the J1772, and I think it used the AVCON connector.
Rich Carroll