I thought I would share some tips I learned while working on my Force.
Recently, my Force would no longer take a charge. The old charger (Brusa NLG4), would slowly pump up the pack to about 175 volts (a nominal 156V pack), but when trying to drive anywhere, the volt meter would drop to about 145 volts under load. The car was then almost immediately in "limp home" mode.
At first, I thought this was a charger related issue. After all, the batteries are supposed to be charged up to 190+ volts. The new charger (Brusa NLG5) quickly charged the pack to 190+ volts. But again, when trying to drive anywhere, the volt meter would drop to 145 volts under load and the car again was in "limp home" mode. Curiously, the regen wasn't able to put much charge back into the batteries (they acted as if they were full).
Suspecting a bad battery or two, I opened the battery boxes and attempted to diagnose.
With a full charge, all of the batteries showed a good voltage reading. This is known as the "OCV" or open circuit voltage.
I then turned on the electric heater and the headlights, letting them run for 20 minutes. With an electric load running, I then re-tested each battery and found one which was at 0 volts on my meter.
When testing the batteries, it was not necessary to take the batteries out of the car or to disconnect them from the string. You simply place your multi-meter's leads to the positive and negative terminals of each individual battery.
I have now ordered a replacement battery. Over the winter, I twice drove the car down to its "limp home mode" from silly decisions or mistakes on my part. This likely caused the battery issue.
Best regards,
Todd Martin