Given the fact that my recent experience at vehicle emissions, was revenge* of the electric car, I wish I had my electric back. My gas car passed, but on the way home it chugged like bad gas but it was not--$600 I found it needed a major tune up.
12 EV!!! who would of ever thought that would happen ten years ago. I still would vote for a Volt or hybrid, all electric does not fit my driving pattern.
*Revenge of the electric car because I have been upset for sometime that I did not know I should of changed the brushes in the DC motor of my electric car after every 20,000 miles, and as a result got stranded twice. With my gas car, if I would of properly read the manual I would of known to change the spark plugs after 30,000 miles. My revenge of the electric car experience was telling me "see maintenance is the key in both gas and electric cars."
Go EV!!!